About Us

Since 1988, Vinmar Plastichem México has been actively operating in the Mexican market. As we expanded our presence in Mexico, we focused on helping our suppliers and clients grow, cementing their success in the market. Demonstrating our long-term commitment to the Mexican market, we established our first local distribution office in 1993.

With continued expansion, leadership changes were required to align with our customers and suppliers. Therefore, in addition to acquisitions that include Alpheus México.

Additionally, VPM leverages its more than 40-year history of success, brought to you by its parent company Vinmar International.

Vinmar Group has more than 50 offices in more than 35 countries with sales in 110 countries.

We benefit from having a global business footprint, providing our clients and partners with global solutions in a local market. Likewise, VPM is managed with the highest standards of business ethics and codes of conduct.